An edge device is a physical device located at the edge of a network. It collects and processes data in real-time, for example, from IoT devices or sensors. The edge device is responsible for connecting a LAN network to an external WAN network, ensuring data is accessible anytime and anywhere. Examples include routers, edge gateways, or edge servers, which must offer high performance and various connectivity features to transfer data across different networks as needed. Edge devices are often used in edge computing solutions to minimize the distance between data processing and the data source. This reduces bottlenecks in transmitting large amounts of data and enables quicker actions based on the data.
aedifion provides a pre-configured edge device that can be easily deployed using plug-and-play. Within minutes, relevant data is securely and encryptedly available on the cloud platform. This allows you to effortlessly uncover inefficiencies, identify potential opportunities, and implement optimizations.
In a one-on-one meeting, we will clarify your specific requirements and demonstrate howour AI-based cloud solutions and service packages can benefit you.
+49 221 98650-770