Portfolio analysis is a process where the performance and potential of all buildings within a real estate portfolio are systematically assessed to make informed decisions about investments, management, and optimization. This typically involves collecting and evaluating data on energy consumption, operating costs, tenant satisfaction, and building value. Benchmarking is used to compare performance with industry standards or best practices. Risk assessments, such as the potential for a building to become a stranded asset, may also be part of the portfolio analysis. The results of this data evaluation guide optimization strategies and investment planning.
aedifion supports portfolio analysis by assessing the current status of properties and progressively transforming buildings into energy-efficient smart buildings. For instance, portfolio analysis can identify which buildings require the implementation of intelligent building management systems to reduce operating costs and enhance energy efficiency. This analysis is a crucial first step in digital operational optimization and aids owners and operators in developing a successful long-term modernization strategy. The focus should be on technical building equipment, as it has the most significant impact on a building's energy balance.
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